Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

-I enjoy what I do with my day, even though in the big scheme of things, it's totally useless.
-Insomnia runs my life.
-Procrastination carried over from my High School days and I don't really care.
-I smoke and I hate it, but again I don't really care enough to stop.
I get pissed off from xbox live a lot
I'm pretty much the same in person as I am online
I'm amazingly good at tetris
Also, I have ocd
I am racists to a certain extent.
I have a huge nose and I hate it.
I get genuinly pissed off by people that think they're funny but they really are annoying.
when i loose on a video game i throw the controller....but when i loose in i bonusball the next guy i bunker

i love tacobell
i hate mormans
people think im psycho
i think the dodgy is the best thing since sliced bread :dodgy:
I'm also very racist towards Mexicans (I grew up in Texas) and I'm getting to be racist towards Blacks. Out of the hundreds i have seen or met, I could only stand a handful of them.
I'm pretty racist too. Most blacks I've met through sports, I have had good relationships with but most blacks I meet through friends are fucking useless.

Boosie, you suck at
I always write replys to topics, then never post them. Even if I'd spent like an hour typing it up.

I cant stand fat people, it makes me sick looking at them.

I cant stand people who need to live by a second, by second schedule, always having everything planned out.

I hate people that are afraid to get dirty, or people who are constantly wiping everything down/cleaning and disinfecting everything. I dont know why.
-i HATE it when a teacher is erasing the board and leaves spots un-erased.
-i almost complimented my teacher on having a nice board eraser once
-i have fapped to pregnant porn
- i smoke to much weed and i fucking love it
-my parents piss me off a lot by doing little things then i feel bad for getting pissed at them
-i dont talk when im with people i dont know but i open up a lot if i know you
-sometimes i really want to fight for no reason but i dont
-i HATE priveleged people who try to act ghetto, but even more so with black people(i guess its cause i grew up with alot of blacks and alot were racist assholes). for instance a bunch of black girls on the back of my bus talk shit to people who are listening to their ipod. they also throw candy at people. and this one nappy headed ape talks shit and if you say something back shes like "BOY you got me chopped n' screwed if you think im scared to fight you" and were just like " what the fuck i dont want to fight you leave me the fuck alone". they start shit and act like they are the ones being offended
-as you can see i have a deep underlying hate for black people that i dont like to admit and occasionaly feel ashamed of
-when ever i do something mean its all i can think about later and i feel awful for doing it
- i get really pissed off when people say stupid shit about gays or use "fag" as an insult and REALLY mean it. and i dont mean the average kid saying "o thats gay" or "dude your a fag" i mean when people say it and they say it with real meaning
-i cant stand it when people in highschool argue politics
- i want to hurt someone when they say something genuinly stupid for instance this ugly fat chick at my school asked if nantucket was a state....
-i want to murder all emo's, except for the hot emo girls who arent really emo but dress like it because they are insanely hot
-im a "nice guy" when it comes to girls and i have a feeling its part of the reason its hard for me to get a girl friend

i could keep going but ill stop there
I was going to rip on you hard until I saw the ":dogdy:".
I do that too, every once and while.

Whenever I watch the Canadian show "Just for Laughs: Gags," I think of Charles666.
i hate the taste of beer

i can be kinda mean on xbox live (im really good at COD4 and im really cocky about it)

when i was in high school and if i got a zit i would use my moms make up to cover it up

and im racist against illegal mexicans in our country (which is why i was banned from my last account)
As wimpy as this may sound...or as manwhoreish whichever u prefer. I listen to a girls problem. tell them that their mother doesnt realy hate them. then say no you are not fat. they say im so sweet. i get action and do it all over agian the next day with another girl.... but im a nice guy realy. except im pretty lazy (ex my typing).
I used to as well. And everytime someone told me "it is an acquired taste", I called bullshit. But I have come to find that it is pretty true.

An easy easy to drink beer without the awful taste afterwards its to kinda take quick big gulps, almost exactly like taking shots, but out of a can. Try it next time. :tup: