Weird Samsung Propel problems [Wont turn on correctly]?


New member
Jun 3, 2008
Ok, so after about a year, the phone starts to act retarded for most people, including myself. They're minor annoyances, nothing major.

Well last night, I left my phone to charge, but as I woke up, my mom and my brother both told me that my phone had just called them, but my phone was on another charger.... in a different room. So I went to go check it out, my phone was unresponsive and frozen, so I took out the battery and put it back in. On the loading screen with the little blue bar, Everything was blue, save for the loading bar. Then once the loading bar was finished, the whole screen was yellow. I have no idea how to fix this.

Also, a couple of months ago, my sister had the Green Propel (I have blue) and she dropped it on tile. When she turned it on, the screen was green with the loading bar, then it went to red. She just left her phone without the battery and SIM card and in about an hour, it was working fine. I was not sure if that would work with me

Please help! Thank you