Weird/Embarrasing things your parents have said?

so, my dad goes on porn more than you should, like a couple of websites a day, so i see his history and i lol, anyways. he got a virus for downloading shit and blames it on me because i just downloaded a vista skin, but everything i download i run it through anti virus shit, so i said "it wasnt me, it was from (the website he got it from) i scanned the computer" dad says "i dont look at porn" me"really, let me see your history" 5 minutes later, he calls my name to look, and their is no history, so he erased it, but yet he dosnt know i can still see it and i showed him it and he said it was pop-ups. like, wtf, makes no sence, we have anti-popups, lol.
they didn't really say anything but they tried to get me drunk at a family reunion so i would be more social. they gave me 2 rum and cokes and a glass of scotch, didn't work
my dad went to Mcdonalds
worker:welcome to mcdonalds may i take ur order
dad:yes can have a cheese burger with no cheese?
worker: that would be a hamburger
dad:no i would like a cheese burger but just no cheese.
worker. no cheese is a hamburger
dad : isnt the hamburger more expensive?

Same exact thing used to happen with me before I got my own laptop. My dad would look at porn every sunday morning, install spyware and all that jazz, then proceeded to blame me when the computer stopped working.
When I was in 6th grade at my friends party we were going to some mini put thing and his dad just says randomly in the car
"so who likes BJs?"

I tried not to laugh
Well like 15 minutes wasn't my parents..but my brother...he told me that he used to fuck his gf on the black couch in the fmaily room..which we still have..and i was on at the time. apparently he got a video too. ew.
Every guy gets that question when he's 13 because your voice makes you sound gay when your balls just dropped.
my mom said randomly while doing the laundry:
"i know you jacked-off on the floor."
I responded:
"no, i dont, i use a tissue, uhhh.... no. i dont.... at all. *cough*, *leave*"

true fucking story. it happened when i went home for christmas break.
i was watching a movie at a friends house, me and 2 guys, and his dad was watching too, well a sex scene comes on and the girl was naked, my friends dad says to me "wyatt, i hope your not getting a boner on my couch cuz that would be disgusting, you pervert"
"well son i think its time we have a talk, you know, a little man to man talk."
"dad i'm 18, i got laid for the first time when i was 14"
I drive a van, and when I got home at like 8 in the morning once my Dad was getting up for work. He just looks at me and asked how the "shaggin' wagon" was.
my mom tried to do the soulja boy when i was home for thanksgiving. she heard about it somewhere and tried to learn it... it resembled randy marsh's achy breaky heart dance.
There was an article in the paper about kids and porn in the paper

my mom: So have you ever found those innapropriate pictures on the internet
me: :dodgy:
mom: i'm serious
me: yes *leaves*
watching music videos with my gf and her dad

gf goes to bathroom when a very sexual video comes up of black girls dancing

gf walks to bathroom shuts the door

dad- you like regga tone?
me- ehhh its ok
dad - i love regga tone, its the best when the girls dance
me- yeah...
dad- you like the black girls dancing?
me- no, i only like your daughter
dad- you like it when black girls dance with ther big butts?
me- whatt???
dad i love it when they shake ther ass its soo nice
me- ........

gf walks back into the room and the dad acts like nothng happend....

a other incident from my gf mother

im in the hospital with my gf because shes sick, so the parents end up leaving us alone for 20 min. when they come back they found me on the hospital bed with her cuddling. then the mom says when she walked in "now that shes weak u can rape her" a other wtf moment