Web conferencing company BigMarker opens server in Sydney


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Web conferencing network BigMarker has announced that New Zealand and Australian users can now host HD quality webinars for free, thanks to new infrastructure the company has deployed in Sydney.BigMarker sees the power of people getting together in a live setting to learn from experts, discuss topics important to them, and connect with peers. Its goal is to make online learning more personal by digitizing what people have been doing at real-world conferences for decades.
With the addition of the Sydney Server, BigMarker is now on five continents, connecting members in over 180 countries.
"We want to connect anyone, on any continent," says BigMarker's Founder & CEO, Zhu-Song Mei. "Coming to New Zealand and Australia is a way for us to help connect people outside of the USA. We're hoping to complement the great learning networks out there by providing a live option that creates a more personal and interactive experience for many people at once."
BigMarker hopes that by offering its service for free, it will expand the use of professional webinar technology for global knowledge sharing, making the world a more connected place.
