We need to stop the hate

I agree in a way, although if a thread is nothing but flaming, I just close it. I've only ever "reported" (or whatever you call it) one person because he was being ridiculous. We could just start a new system where if someone is flaming for no reason, everyone "reports" him or something. That could just start other problems though so I don't think there is anything that anyone can do. :(
July 2005, your a new fag too.
You realize a lot of people make new accounts or just dont make a pbn account?
You fail.
I agree, most threads lately suck, due to the fact that it's mostly:
guy 1: so the other day, I went to Taco Bell. then I fappel. lulz
everybody else: LOL FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!

ST has sucked lately. stop sucking.
But that could actually be kinda good, minus the masturbating part. Other people can contribute their fast food stories and what not and add on. I think it is mainly all the kids trying to look cool
yeah, that's approximately what I meant. the problem arises when we have 290482349827450928472904358730948762309587249 of those threads per day, and none of them have anything constructive past the first post.
bah, I have no idea what i'm saying, it's 12 am. i'm gonna go take a shower, night. tell me how the porn thread goes.
look this is just how small talk is, you cant change it, so dont try. if you think that by making a thread that says: hey guys lets be friends!, is really gonna change the minds of posters...your dumb as hell