We dont respect eachother like we used to because we are always in eachother's


Mar 6, 2008
faces when we argue...? I have been dating this guy since 1.5 years. In the beginning, it looked like we were really compatible. And believe me when I say this, we really thought that we were soul mates...that we were made for eachother...it felt like we were sharing something divine...something unique that no one else has. I still remember telling him how i thought we were fortunate enough to experience real love in life.

Long story short, we come from different cultures and follow different traditions. Lately, all of the differences we had began to bother us. It was only in the first couple of months that we thought it was 'attractive' to have cultural differences....but not anymore....

Since the past 4 to 6 months we have started getting in to major fights....fights over several differences that we have...some are cultural....the rest are just plain differences in our personalities and ways of thinking....we are both a bit short tempered, and there was a time when we would respect eachother so much that when there was a clash, we both would take an innitiative in keeping quite and trying to do what the other wants....for example, i would try to do things his way and he would try to do things my way....we were so much in love that giving up our egos was no big deal...but now, its the total opposite....Now we literally scream, shout, and yell at eachother when we get in to fights...and it makes me sad....because it feels like we dont respect eachother the way we used to...my dad always taught me that respecting your spouse comes first then anything else because if you dont respect them you cant love them...it feels like our relationship is falling apart because we are not being able to deal with our differences...instead we are fighting aggressively about it all the time...and its not even minor differences i am talking about...these are major differences that we didnt know we had...

Now, what do i do?....i dont want to leave him...i really want us to work this out....i am upset with him because he has been really inconsiderate towards me since the past months and i have been a bit selfish too....

does respect come back once its gone?...is it possible to fall back in to what we used to be?....if yes, how do we do it when it comes to respecting eachother?...