We Are Next !

Hey guys, Im a member of the group that people call [Lulz]. Our website is www.diditforthelulz.com and yes we did hack 4chan.org. I don't know who said you guys will be next because we do not wish to target you and have no problem with offtopic. In fact, I love ihav.net! So you dont need to worry about getting attacked and that flip guy is not our member.

4chan is no more!

~Lulz m31 of diditforthelulz.com

Teamspeak :
IRC : irc.diditforthelulz.com #lulz

EDIT: While your here do you mind getting chase to shut the fuck up
i wish i was on my computer cuz i'd post a pic relevant to that. but i'm at my friend's university library and there are peoples everywhere so i'd look weird.....
You guys won't be hacked. Don't stress over stupid shit. People keeping xfire/aiming me its annoying say "These guys think you will hack offtopic."
i am offering you my virginity for being so cool to pbn. take it if you wan it.....:blush: