Water fasting? A couple questions about it.?


New member
Mar 20, 2009
I plan on going on a 1 month water fast. I want to know how much water I need to drink a day to avoid fainting or anthing of that sort.

I'd also like to know how much weight I'll drop if I weigh 121 lbs when I start this fast.

Also, will it screw it up if I allowed myself one day of food a week from the whole four weeks.
it's not a good idea to go that long without food. it goes against nature and your body needs its fuel to function. you probably could survive on just water, but the suffering you'll go through will be unbearable. are you doing this primarily to lose weight? if so, it is a terrible plan. starving yourself is unhealthy. if you want to lose weight, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water.
please research this further if yolu intend on doing this, but remember, your body is supposed to have food in it, without it you could cause damage to your organs, including your brain. remember it needs food to function. it's not worth starving yourself for so long.

good luck
Dont do this....this will not do you any good what so ever!!!!!

You will be putting your body into starvation mode which causes it to RETAIN fats not shed it. The human body is an amazing thing that has many ways of ensuring its own survival and this is one of them. Any weight you do lose will be put back on plus some as soon as you begin eating again.

If you want to loose weight the only healthy way to do it is by regular eating - in fact eating smaller meals more often has been proven to increase the weight loss as this puts the body into 'feast" mode which allows it to rapidly metabolize food. And regular exercise. a healthy weight loss is a MAXIMUM of 2-3 kg per week.

If your serious about trying to lose weight then join my egroup
[email protected]
It has diets, exercise regimes, tricks and tips from experienced trainers, web sites and personal experiences all free of charge and all healthy. It also reviews various diets such as the South Beach Diet and body type diets for health, weight loss and nutrition.
I understand the pressure you must be in to reduce weight but is it worth doing obviously unattainable and hazardous tasks and putting your life at risk?

I am also 20 kgs overweight and am anxious to lose wieght and I can understand the helplessness , unhappiness and embarassmement you feel but I am going through a healthy regime of exercise and sensible eating to acheive my goals.

Fast food and fast weight loss have never helped anyone .I suggest you visit a qualified dietician to work out the best solution for you according to your age ,gender ,height,weight ,lifestyle and eating habits.

All the best ...