Watching X-Men: Fist Class may bring you as far back as when Mutant appeal was in


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Jul 14, 2011
Los Angeles, California
Comic book film fans found 2006's "X-Men: The Last Stand" to be less than satisfying. But this Friday, prequel/reboot X-Men: First Class plans to do some major changes. A brand-new director, brand-new cast and going back in time approach to the story should make "First Class" a success.

'First Class' prepared to go

There was the idea of a co-existence of humans and x-gene characters prior to the difficulties with Magneto, the United States government and Professor Charles Xavior. Michael Fassbender plays young Magneto Erik Lehnsherr and James McAvoy players young Charles Xavior. Together they start a school to teach mutants how to safely use their abilities. Eventually, an ideological rift forms between the two friends, as Xavier takes the side of peaceful co-existence among "normals" for mutants, while soon-to-be Magneto adheres to a hard-line, Social Darwinist stance favoring mutant species over regular hominids, as "homo superioris." Mix in an increasingly paranoid United States government and CIA circa the 1960s Cuban Missile Crisis, and the pot boils over.

Love interests abound

There will be a ton of on screen heat in "X-Men: First Class." This is in spite of the belief that Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) will only make a small appearance in the film. E! Online explains that Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) and Nicolas Hoult (Beast) have a relationship in real life which will be shown in the film while Lehnsherr and Angel (Zoe Kravitz) really hook up in the movie.

January Jones will even be dressed to the hilt in a combination of swanky 1960s fashions (a la "Mad Men") and proto-Victoria's Secret runway-wear in her turn as Emma Frost. In the first three X-Men movies, Rebecca Romijn played Mystique. She will even make an appearance in the movie.

Know your mutants

For those unfamiliar with mutant-kind, here's a brief "X-Men: First Class" primer:

Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto: Magneto is well known as one of probably the most powerful mutants. Science's Unified Field Theory is proven with him. He doesn't like regular humans while being able to control nearly all energies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Sir Ian McKellen played him in other X-Men films. He is well known.

Professor Charles Xavier: Professor X controls minds probably the most powerful telepath even though he typically lets others make their own decisions. A pacifist at heart, Charles Xavier was played by Sir Patrick Stewart in previous X-Men movies.

Raven Darkholme/Mystique: A shape-shifter with an elite mind for strategy, Mystique falls in love with Xavier but is rebuffed. She ends up with Magneto in the other X-Men movies in the end.

Hank McCoy/Beast: McCoy has thick blue fur and looks like a monster with a ton of strength. He is also a well-known character. In the original movies, he is played by Kelsey Grammer.

Emma Frost: Trust fund girl telepath with a mean streak and a love of the glamorous life, Frost can also turn her body into diamond.

The HD 'X-Men: First Class' trailer for you to view

‪X-Men: First Class Movie Trailer Official (HD)‬‏ - YouTube

Information from

Comic Book Movie

E! Online


X-Men: First Class