Watch this fan in an American flag jacket snag a foul ball and dance ridiculously


Jun 17, 2007
Forget those ugly camo caps, this video right here is the most 'Murica thing that happened at an MLB game on Memorial Day.
Behold as a fan at Monday's Seattle Mariners-Tampa Bay Rays game grabs a foul ball, then proceeds to dance the most ridiculous dance you'll see this week — it's somewhere between hyped-up 4-year-old and Pauly Shore performing as a rodeo clown.
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He stops to tilt his hat and picks up a sign at the end. The moment was there and he embraced every bit of it. Don't fight the feeling!
We haven't even gotten to his wardrobe yet, but now seems like a good time. Our foul-ball snagging friend had on a stars-and-stripes jacket — kudos for coming to the ballpark on brand. He's also wearing a Vietnam memorial T-shirt and a military hat. He completed the ensemble with shutter shades, like he's Kanye West or something.
This man clearly does not care what anyone thinks. And for that reason, we know he loves freedom.
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Mike Oz is the editor of Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @MikeOz