Was this bike abandoned?


May 13, 2008
A coworker at work said this bike has been laying in the bushes in the parking lot for a few days. It was a ok bike, still ride-able. I gave him a ride home tonight, and he put the bike in my car to take home with him. Was this bike abandoned, or is this coworker stealing it. He doesn't have a car, and he is going to fix it up and ride it to work.
Yeah, I would assume that finder's keepers rule. Replace the word bike with something else and see if it applies. For example, money. Would you take a $100 bill in the bushes? Thats just it, some people would, and some people wouldn't...
Abandoned property laws vary, but usually require long periods of time before something is considered abandoned. Usually over 1 year.

Had you seen the bike there before? If you haven't, then I wouldn't have helped him take the bike.

I think he was possibly stealing it, or it may have been a stolen bike that someone else... or possibly him... left there.