Was the Holocaust the worst thing to have ever happened?

Black death was no picnic. 75 million dead.

I think it's a subjective thing. I was just wondering what people considered to be the worst things to happen in history, as a matter of personal opinion.

Some other people were talking about how they consider the Atlantic slave trade to be the "worst" thing to have happened, so I was wondering what the other views were.
Is it simple coincidence that these posts came one after the other? I think not.
Now if only I could figure a way to make 1 cent for every time someone Googled that... I'd be a bazillionaire several times over.
The Holocaust is one of many terrible things to have happened in the modern times. But it's not the only terrible thing... not by a long shot. There has been so much emphasis put on the holocaust that I've heard it referred to as 'the holocaust industry'. A Holocaust TM of sorts. To even question the Holocaust in any way shape or form makes you a ripe target for those slinging the anti-semite term around... you can quickly get yourself called a Nazi if you don't regurgitate the Holocaust as the single worst incident in the modern history of man.

I find that rather absurd.

*waits for the inevitable now
There have been far worse genocides before and since the Holocaust but they dont receive a fraction of the attention that Hitlers final solution does.
Yeah I've got friends living there and they were just on about how bad the whole Nazi thing is getting. In some bizarre twist of logic a recent spate of Nazi posters that had been posted around Zurich were being blamed on immigrants apparently... my friend said that it'd been reported that many Swiss thought it was immigrants posting neo Nazi propaganda to stir up trouble...


riiiiiiiiiiight.... Abi the Turkish kebab maker and immigrant has nothing better to do than to stir up trouble by printing and posting neo Nazi posters and stickers...
One of the things that really gets me about the Holocaust, is the fact that all sorts of awful things happened. I can almost understand how you could simply kill someone, but the Holocaust feels disturbing in so many ways.