Was The Death Of Osama Bin Laden Real or a Hoax??

Bin was in a cave where he meditated fo 7 years. In order not to fall asleep he plucked off his eyelids on threw them ion the ground. Tea sprouted from his eyelids and they all drank the "tea".
Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.
Explain to me how my post was any more derisive than yours, or how what you quoted was sarcastic at all, for that matter.

But not you, apparently. Everybody always complains about the way other people behave and accuses everyone else of being in denial. It's odd how nobody I talk to is in denial, but they know that everybody else is.

It would be pretty silly to desire things you already have.

People are usually pretty happy, actually, if they have as much as everyone around them. How many people do you know that are living the "typical" life style--good job, family, good health--that are deeply unsatisfied with their lives. Most people aren't. But this is a completely separate issue from what you were originally arguing--which had something to do with college freshman, IQ tests, and an. . .unorthodox interpretation of statistics.

So everybody else in the world says, too.
I put it down to peer pressure. I mean if you don't run around like an idiot trying to always get the latest and greatest that you can't afford to own then you're a weirdo. Look at the Amish people. Everybody thinks they're weird.
Explain to me how my post was any more derisive than yours, or how what you quoted was sarcastic at all, for that matter.

I don't think it has anything to do with who is MORE derisive, does it?

But not you, apparently. Everybody always complains about the way other people behave and accuses everyone else of being in denial. It's odd how nobody I talk to is in denial, but they know that everybody else is.

And this has what bearing on what we are discussing? If discussing this subject makes you feel uncomfortable, noone says you MUST participate.

It would be pretty silly to desire things you already have.

A clever turn of phrase but you neglect that whatever people have they always want something else.

People are usually pretty happy, actually, if they have as much as everyone around them. How many people do you know that are living the "typical" life style--good job, family, good health--that are deeply unsatisfied with their lives.

Not sure where you are talking about.

So everybody else in the world says, too.

And this makes the observation more accurate? Less accurate?
Perhaps you have an alternate explanation, yes?
Personally, I think it goes way beyond self-medicating. I suspect we are talking about a fundamental flaw in Human nature that hides in plain sight.
I was listening to a program about the “Bible Code” and I heard someone describe the Judeo-Christian Bible as “directions for living”. Does this strike anyone else as odd? Dogs don’t need directions for being dogs. Fish don’t have to be educated as to how to be fish. How come Humans need directions?
Or how about the Legal Code that all “civilized” nations have. Does it seem a bit odd that Humans actually have to have a code to tell them what correct behavior is, and rules enforced with contrived consequences in order to get people to do the “right thing” on a consistent basis?
We are the only animal on the planet that has laws and directions for living. We also seem to be the only animal on the planet that apparently needs these. Thoughts?
Best Wishes,
We're also the only animal who strives to be more than, and better than, our basic animal urges.
I hear that point made a lot, but I don't see a lot of evidence for it. Now, I will agree that we sure put a lot of effort into using technology to compensate for animal nature we have. But as far as actual advancement---some sort of fundamental shift in who we are as beings--- I don't get the idea that we have advanced much beyond where we were in the Bronze Age.

Afterall, if people actually were striving to be more than their basic animal urges would we really need to be restrained by laws? And what sort of respect do we give to cultures that don't seem to need all of the trappings that our culture has? Seems to me that most cultures that are content with a minimalist existence are generally considered "backward" and "primitive".
What does that say about who we think we are?

Best Wishes,

While dogs don't need training to be dogs, they do need training to learn how to do specialised things, such as hunting, herding, bomb sniffing etc. Humans have developed lots of specialised techniques that we therefore need training to do. Our brains have developed to the point that we can over rule instinct with thinking, eg, learning to work around the adrenaline dump and fight with skill.
As for laws, any group of animals living together has "laws", a dominant dog will stomp a less dominant dog for stepping out of line. As far as I am aware chimps that do something wrong get chastised by the rest of their troop. As such I think the idea that humans are the only animals requiring laws and directions is wrong, its just that we have managed to vocalise and write down those things.
Osman bin Laden sent Barack Obama a coded message to let him know that he's still alive:"

--3 7 0 H S S V----0 7 7 3 H---

Barrack is baffled. The FBI, CIA & NSA can't decipher it. They ask Britain's MI-6 for help but MI-6 couldn't do it, so they sent it to Gardai HQ in ireland. The Gardai replied: "Tell the President he's holding it upside down.
I can understand much of what you are sharing. The single biggest exception is the idea that we have somehow been able to over-rule our instinct. First-off, I don't know that anyone has clearly identified exactly what the Human instinct is. It would be very interesting to know what innate pre-dispositions we have.

In hand with knowing our instincts for what they are, I am not sure that we have actually come to a place where we "over-rule" them. I think we displace those instincts with other behaviors. I think we can sublimate those instincts on a temporary basis.

One example of harnessing an instinct to accomplish a modern goal may well be the matter of small-group or "pack" behavior. We Humans seem to do better when we form "work-groups" to attend to some task. In this way, optimal results seem to proceed from smaller interrelated groups such as clans or tribes rather than towns, cities and nations. From what I have noticed, there is almost an----well--- "instinctive" response when small groups become too large or are pressed together with other small groups in too small an area. Street gangs, for instance, are constantly splitting and confronting one another in this way.

I think another instinct that needs to be evaluated is the one that governs attraction, unit-building (IE. "family") and procreation. We seem to understand that over-population has its toxic side, but that does not seem to cause people to reduce their desire to produce children. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

So, since Al Qaeda has confirmed the death of bin Laden, does that make this thread useless now?

I've never done much psychology so I am probably not the best person to argue about what instincts are. I suppose I was basing my idea's on that what we need to survive, food, water, shelter, and maybe sex (from a species point of view), and then things that fulfill an emotional point of view, with instincts being the activities taken to fulfill those needs. I guess Maslovs Hierachy of Needs has infulenced me there, and yes I am aware of criticisms against it.
Now unless things get desperate I am not going to steal food to fulfil my innate need for food as that is illegal. And I would say the majority of people would be the same. Now does this mean that we have an innate need to stay out of trouble, or to fit in to society or simply not get caught that overwhelms our basic need/want for food? Or does it mean that learned behaviours can overwhelm our basic needs/wants/instincts, in which case we can overcome our instincts. Of course this all breaks down when things become desperate, if I was in danger of dying of dehydration then I am not going to be concerned about stealing water from a shop to survive.
Now it may be that as you say we sublimate them temporarily until our needs overwhelm them, and I certainly do believe that our baser drives/instincts play a part in shaping our society and probably a fairly large part, but I think learned behaviours generally modify and even defeat those.

If you compared us to say a beagle, whose drive to follow their nose frequently overcomes any training to obey their master, or a cat whose desire to hunt can rarely be restrained, then I think we are alot further along the path to defeating our instincts. We're just not fully there yet, and maybe never will be. Anthropologist Desmond Morris certainly seems to think that
human behaviours are merely animal behaviours so maybe you are correct.
In the sense that Human Beings will continue to look for excuses to repeat past behaviors, the answer is "no". This thread will serve no purpose other than a chance for time structuring.

In the sense that people may reflect on past behaviors and desire to act in an alternate fashion to produce a novel end, the answer is "yes".

Consider why people who followed Osama Bin Laden would want to inflict revenge on his killers. It won't change anything that has passed and will only serve to invite future reprisals to impending plans for revenge.

Once again we are reflecting on a fundamental flaw in Human nature that makes this sort of mindless cycle of violence necessary. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

Bruce - My point was to end the supposed conspiratorial nature of the thread. I find it amazing people would even think it was falsified, but then again, there are people who think that the September 11 attacks in America were an inside job.
Of course not, crazy conspiracies will always exist and just change once they get disproven. Like apparently Osama has been dead for 10+ years bla bla bla seen on dialysis all that crap than this happens and now its become a conspiracy WITH Al Qaeda. Bunch of nut jobs.