Was Roger Waters's departure from Pink Floyd justified?


Active member
May 11, 2008
In your opinion, do you think that bassist, songwriter, and vocalist Roger Waters's decision to leave Pink Floyd was justified? Why or why not? In my opinion, it seems like the other bandmates simply weren't contributing to the band, so I think Roger "Certainly was in the right". What do you think?
Uh. From what I've always gathered, Roger wouldn't LET them contribute to the band. He left because he was pompous. Great musician, but totally self-centered. I guess it was justified, him and David didn't get along much anymore so it would've just been stressful.
I don't think Roger really let them contribute. For they're all great musicians. in The Final Cut (the last album he was in with Pink Floyd) it was pretty much just all by Roger Waters.
I think he was being self centered..another reason why he left is because him and David were not getting along.
I am a big fan of pink Floyd. First off all members of the band are highly skilled and each contributed. However roger waters probably did the most. He wrote a lot of the albums and songs. After he left the band certainly wasn't as good as before. But still really good. Before left the tensions were really high. He had the right to leave and if he didn't leave then be would've left soon. I don't know what you mean by justified but by my interpretation I think he was. Hope this helps