Was Jesus Christ a virgin?

He did not admit to that no. When Phineas asked him if he got laid yet he rebuked him tactfully.
no, mary of magdala was called his companion.
in those times, companion meant spouse or lover.
if he wasnt married to her, he bedded her.
Jesus was the only man who walked on earth without sins so He had to be a virgin.
I must agree with Celeste Hugh Jackmans my idol! Oh feel free to thumb me down for dat too Christians I worship his ass!:)
He was and is God. He never married, and he never had any sexual relations with anyone. Since he was without sin he never lusted or fantasized like wicked mankind does. He was totally pure, and that was why he made an acceptable sacrifice for our sins.
that's definitely debatable because there are books of the bible that were not included in the final versions that we use today that say that he had children and so on and so forth...guess we'll never know.
Exactly. If he was a full human with full human temptations... adolescent minds are scary things. It would have only taken one night... and bam.
Wow are you brave to open up the big can of worms.

If he was not married he was a virgin. He was without sin.

It is of debate if he was married. Good Jewish men were married at an early age. It was encoraged by the culture. Marriage is not sinful. It would upset many people to learn that he was so no one will ever know.
Definitely not (see Mary Magdalene...) He was a typical testosterone filled Jewish young man with needs and desires. To think he was beyond these is banal and wishful thinking.
And above all he was a rabbi, rabbi's do not require taking a vow of celibacy.
I'd like to point out that he never put in the record saying: "I have never had a sexual intercourse with that woman"