was jesus Christ a gay homosexual?


New member
Apr 23, 2010
there is nothing in the bible about jesus having a wife or girlfriend
dont you think the son of god would have at least the most basic dating skills
the guy could feed a thousand people and walk on water but he couldn't get a date?
was jesus really gay and is the catholic church covering it up
it would explain why so many old men are molesting little boys
Just cause Jesus didnt have a wife or girlfriend doesnt make Him gay. That's illogical. Sides Jesus didnt come to date or have kids or whatever, He came to die for our sins a Sacrifice and rose from the dead.

Does this mean that every single guy out there that has never had a girlfriend and doesnt have a wife is a homosexual? I dont think so.
He had long flowing hair, wore a dress. He only hung around with men. Apparently he had a strange fetish and loved to wash men's feet. There is a sado-masochistic homoerotic movie, The Passion Of The Christ, based upon his life. You make the call.
Does it matter what Jesus was? Or if Jesus existed at all? Shouldn't you worry about the values that are emphasized by Jesus?
No. And he wasn't a straight homosexual, either.

We have few details on his personal life. The Bible never said that Jesus was a bachelor. It wouldn't hurt my faith one bit if he had married, since he is the way that we must follow, and there's nothing sinful about sex between a married man and woman -- as long as it's each other they're married to.
it cannot be known if he ever was. the idea about him not dating was about being pure. just like many people do not have sex before marriage, many religious people choose never to have sex
Jesus felt all of the temptations that man feels, so he knows what we go through everyday.. Obviously you don't believe in God... Jesus did not have a girlfriend or wife in the bible because he did not have sex with anyone... Why are you being so rude and obnoxious to those who really believe and have serious questions.... Why are you so mean??? Why don't you have something better to do with your time? Please explain why you asked this question and why people belittle something that others believe so deeply in? What is it that you are trying to accomplish, seriously??? I am not trying to be mean, I want to know...