Was I given laughing gas? or was it something else?


Jul 17, 2008
Well I had some teeth taken out about 8 days ago and i was just thinking about it today, they put a thing over my nose to inhale- im assuming it was 'laughing gas' it made me feel woozy and tired, but i wasnt happy or relaxed, in fact i was totally frightened because the gas felt like it was killing me, i felt like i was slowly dying and it did not feel nice at all, at one point i wanted to pull the thing off my nose just to feel normal again. I am now frightened to go back and i might have to go back in a few weeks/months to get another tooth pulled and I really am worried!
It was likely nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas because most people get a euphoric light headed feeling from it. But there are some who have adverse effects and you are one of them. You need to tell the dentist so they can use another method. In fact, call them today and tell them you are still shell-shocked over what happened. Make sure they know how frightened you felt.
That happened to me... Well kinda.. They gave me oxygen.. I could breathe, but it didn't feel like the air we breathe. I felt kinda tired too. I'm not sure if it felt like it was "killing" me... but i mean... It didn't that well either. It's probably because there are some other gases mixed with oxygen, which makes our air more "fresher" and better to breathe.. That's probably why when i had oxygen i felt kinda weird.. I don't know if this makes sense or not.. I'm only 13 lol