Was anybody disappointed in the Harry Potter 6 (half blood prince) movie?


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Ok... I really LOVE harry potter and I must say i expected a lot more out of this movie... I went and saw it at midnight last night, and i have read the books millions of times.. harry harry potter memeriorabila and everything... So i really want to know the harry potter Book not movie fans opinions????
HBP, the film, was disapointing

I was quite disappointed with the film
-Burning the Burrow was unnecessary, it did not make the film any better
-Dumbledore doesn't mention what he thinks the horcruxes are, so Harry probably has no clue what to look for.
In the ROR, Ravenclaw's diadem is not shown. In the next film, Harry will have no idea where to look for it.
-Harry would not be hiding if there are deatheaters at hogwarts and Dumbledore's about to be killed. That was pretty stupid in the film.
-Book 6 explains everything and gives background info for the next installment. The film missed out so many of these important explanations, so the next film won't make much sense to those who haven't read the books.
As a diehard fan I just wanted to list all the things they left out, then i will make a comment:
1. the beginning scene were Harry inherits the Black house and Kreature
2. the part where Dumbledore tells Harry he will be taking lessons that could help him defeat Voldermort.
3. The fact that Tonks and Remus were not a couple in the begining
4.A lot of Draco's story was left out
5.They were supposed to take apperation lessons
6.A could have been scene when Ron hit Harry for snogging Ginny
7.Bill and Fleur's story
8.The big battle in the castle
9. Bill getting attacked by Fenfir
10. The scene where Scrimgeour shows himself to the muggle Prime Minister
11.They left out Crabbe and Goyle being turned into girls to lookout for Draco in the room of requirement
12.All of Riddles background, with that good luck at finding the horocruxes because they never even went into how Dumbledore sowed him what some of them could be
13.The end where they found out how Snape was the half-blood prince
14. ginny and Harry actully becoming a couple
15.the biggest thing Dumbledore's Funeral
16.Dumbledore's memory where Riddle asks for a job at hogwarts to teach defense against the dark arts.
17.they left out the when harry finds out that Snape is the one who overheard Trelawney's prophecy about Voldermort during her interview for the position as divination teacher with Dumbledore
18.the fact that Harry used his invisibility cloak a couple of times b/c Dumbledore told him to keep it on him at all times
19.How Harry told Ron and Hermoine that he was going with Dumbledore to get the next horucrux and gave them the rest of the Felix and maurder's map
20. For those who dont understand what half-blood prince has to do with the move, b/c they didnt explain it at all in the movie. Snape is half muggle and half witch. His mother was a witch whose last name was...Prince. so he was proud to be half Prince. also it has to do with Voldermort, Harry and Snape because they are all half blooded. Voldemort mother was witch and father a muggle. Harry mother was muggle born and father was a wizard, and Snape,as i already explained, mother is a witch and father a muggle.
WTF!!!!! I could go on but as i wright this i get more upset at how they took a great book and flushed it down the toilet. Also they found time to put made up scenes that never happened in the move but couldn't find the time to put actual plots from the book in there. what sense did that make. I am utterly disappointed by this move and will not go see the last 2 films.