Warriors of the Clouds

All clearly Afghani, especially the last guy. Did you see the bone structure in the face, I just wish we could see the red hair under the turban, then there would be no doubt.
Was it not established that the hapalogroup X found in Siberia among the Altaians is a different species from that found in the new world? Apparently none of the Altaians X mtDNAs have the 225A mutation which is found in European and native American DNA. Also the nucleotide position is different.
Another thing, according to Dr Ugo Perego, group X was found among the Druze people of northern Israel, a semetic, Arabian people. The Druze are not Jewish, certainly not Ashkenazim. That lends more plausibility to a migration from the Middle East to mesoAmerica.
Perego received his BSc degree in a LDS university and is an LDS member - clear bias.
However Perego doesn't show any bias in the works i've searched and doesnt mention "plausibility to a migration from the Middle East to mesoAmerica" in published articles ive read.
here's one:

The bering strait was the most likely entry point into the americas.
However evidence (both linguistic and genetic) has been found for japanese immigration into the americas forming cultural groups there also.

National geographic has a whole section on genographics that you should check out:
I was saying that in my opinion his find lends plausibility to a Middle Eastern migration. Yes Native Americans are primarily of Asian stock, in fact the Book of Mormon calls the Jaredites Men from Asia. however non Asiatic genetics have been found in some, suggesting multiple migrations.
It is generally accepted that a caucasoid people, perhaps from Europe or perhaps from northern India migrated to the Americas about 30k years ago.
who actually suggested the idea of middle eastern migration to the americas?

it seems far fetched to say that they brought any Abrahamic ideas with them and travelled across to the americas in relatively few generations such that their gene pools and ideas weren't dilated significantly, as well as making a decent spread of such ideas.
If you agree with this then what exactly are we discussing?

and what makes the book of mormon a more accurate text than the bible?
Never said it was more accurate than the Bible. it completes the Bible. The Nephites left Jerusalem for the new world. So Middle Eastern migration to the new world. I already pointed out several examples of their genes and cultural influence in ancient MesoAmerica.
How did the Nephites get to the new world?
Did they go through Europe, sail from the west coast and then land on the eastern coast of America?
Or did they go east, through asia, up through Siberia, across the Bering strait and then spread from there?
And when did they do either of those things?
10,000 years ago?
they left Jerusalem before the Babylonain conquest which was around 600bc. They traveled to the land of the Bountiful, which coincides with a small tropical oasis on the Omani coast. The modern Arabic name escapes me. There they built a boat and set sail.
All the evidence you posted for this is a series of connections you've made on independent unrelated evidence.

If i were to do this in one of my genetics and evolution essays i would be failed instantly.

I didn’t read this whole thread, but just FYI, genetic studies indicate that all native Americans originated from people migrating from Siberia. The indigenous populations of Siberia are generally Altaic (Turkic, Mongolian, etc), both groups can have very white skin, in fact some to my eye appear significantly whiter than Caucasian people (not that this term is technically correct, seeing as Caucasians are from Caucasus in Asia/Near East, not Europe). On top of that, you can see all manner of hair and eye color amongst Altaic people, including blond/red hair and green/blue eyes.

Furthermore, the Altaic people and Northern Europeans share common ancestry from the Central Asian region, so I don’t really see what the big deal is. I don’t see why one should think that these “Cloud People” would have had to be Caucasian just because of the red hair. Of course you never know, there is some evidence that Vikings were some of the first visitors to the Americas... maybe it’s got something to do with that.

In any case, should check out the Genographic Project website from NG, it has a lot of info you may find useful.

Simple as that eh?
Wanna go somewhere?
Just build a boat and sail there right?
So they sailed from the Omani coast to America?
Did they go round the notorious southern tip of Africa or go east across the Indian ocean, past java and borneo and then across the Pacific?
Bear in mind the Suez canal didn't exist then.

Because you realise such journey's would be well out of kilter with what was nautically possible in 600bc right (as far as I know)?
Given that the rest of human expansion across the globe involved much shorter sea journeys than that and America didn't get visited by non native Americans until the Vikings came along hundreds of years later.
I think the fact that none of the maps of the world from that time included the Americas is all the evidence we need to suggest nobody back then knew about it.
Actually the claim that they all came from Siberia is not conclusive. Also as i pointed out the X Group found in Altaic people is different than that found in native Americans, Euros and Druze.
For those who don't know, Druze are a religous sect who seceded from Islam in the 11th century. They are of Syrian origin.
But im getting off topic here. We may never know the exact origins of the cloud people.
Columbus wasn't trying to find the Americas. He was trying to sail to India. Hence the reason why native Americans got the name Indians or American Indians.
yeah i know that. Maybehe made a wrong turn on purpose? You know to do a little exploring. just as the portugese who discovered Brazil were supposed to be going to Africa.
Im not sure the exact passage they took. let me read the story of the voyage again, maybe i can figure it out.