Warped Tour Clothing For Curvier Women?


May 11, 2008
I have looked everywhere online for tips annnnd no. Nothing. I'm an averaged sized 19yr old with quite the boobs and bottom, so my shirts never keep their shape and too baggy gives me the "tent effect". I want to wear a diy muscle tank, bandeau, shorts, and vans. (Maybe sheer black pantyhose to help hide my cellulite?)
I cut a small mens shirt into a muscle tank and...it's not the most flattering on me. At. All. (Side view)The bottom of the shirt is super tight and shows off my belly while the top is baggy and gives me a rounded tent shape cause of my boobs. The back of the shirt is the horrendous mixture of tight and loose. Tight enough to not hang, but loose enough to make my back look flat from my shoulders to my butt. -.- Plus my boobs look huge and I look hunchback. Another problem is bra and upper arm fat...if that's really a qualifying factor. So basically,

ONE: Is there a certain way to cut muscle shirts to flatter my figure?
TWO: Any suggestions/advice/etc. of what to wear to flatter my figure better while staying cool?

Thanks! Any questions, just ask! -Kat

Here's a photo collage I made of me specifically for this question.
Also, I don't plan on crowd surfing but jumping yes, and moshing maybe. So would or would not a skirt be appropriate?
You're so pretty! I think the muscle tank looks good the way it is :) if it shows to much wear a cardigan/jacket over it