Want some help from people who know GNC products well ????


May 19, 2008
My dad and mom are 60years old, they got so many illnesses, like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cerebral infarction,both of them got these three disease, and my dad has been addicted to sleeping pills for several years, the thing is they are all from china, so my dad always take the cheap pills made in china, so it makes me really worried about his health, cuz im afraid that those pills would cause some serious mental disease in the long term ,so i really wanna know which product from GNC is good for insomnia or relaxing mind ? and my father also got Prostate disease, so i also need to buy some products for healing this disease ??as for my mom, she has diabetes disease and already injected insulin for two or three years, so im expecting some products are good for improving it ??
Really hope someone could help me ....the help is appreciated in advance ,,,,thank you guys !!!
GNC sells some pretty crappy stuff as well - not to mention there isn't anyone there that is actually required to take ten minute health class.

Stick to your doctors advice - cardiologists are actually the doctors that know vitamins the best. but if they have a history of infarctions there are plenty of vitamins they SHOULDN't be taking.
melatonin before bed to sleep, cinnamon and chromium for sugar levels, and nature's answer acai juice for hypertension (add a liquid multivitamin together in the juice), krill oil is good for the brain and circulation. Look up "prostate support" then read the customer reviews. check out www.iherb.com (enter coupon code in the shopping car for $5 off your 1st order) for best selection and prices.
Assuming that something is good just because it is from GNC is a bad idea. That place will sell you anything. Try having them see a doctor rather then depend on a store in the mall which specialized is pseudo-body building BS