W/r/t/ embryos, who should get possession the biological mother who is in...


May 14, 2008
...a lesbian relationship or (cont. )? W/r/t/ embryos, who should get possession the biological mother who is in a lesbian relationship or
the biological father who wants to give the embryos to his brother and his brother's wife?

I'm currently reading Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult, which addresses this question. My friend and I were discussing it and we had the exact same opinion, but we were wondering if there were other people whose perspectives differed from ours, or if the majority agreed with us.

In the book, Max and Zoe were married and were going through fertility treatments. When Zoe was 28 weeks pregnant she gives birth to a stillborn son. Max soon divorces her when he realizes he doesn't want to be a father, but Zoe still wants to have children. Zoe discovers she has endometrial cancer and has to have a hysterectomy. Meanwhile, Max resumed drinking until he was eventually in a car accident, and then joined the same church his brother and his brother's wife belonged to, claiming to have found Christ. Zoe end's up in a relationship with Vanessa, and marries her. Zoe still wants to have children, so she asks Max to sign the paper releasing the three embryos from a previous IVF cycle to her (so that Vanessa could carry the pregnancy). Max decides that he does not want to embryos going to Zoe, as she is in a lesbian relationship, so he sues for custody so that he can give the embryos to his brother and his brother's wife.

Who do you think the embryos should go to?