Vin Diesel, Paul Vincent & The difference between fraternal and identical twins?


New member
Jul 28, 2013
Okay so Im currently watching The Pacifier and Vin Diesel's nationality was making me curious so I got on google and attemped to search for my answer when some other question popped up, so I clicked that instead... So apparently Vin Diesel has a 'Fraternal twin' named Paul Vincent. I looked "vin diesels twin brother" up and a picture of Vin Diesel and some guy with redish hair popped up. So then I looked Paul Vincent and pictures of Vin diesel showed up, Im very confused at this moment now, Im not sure if THAT was Vin Diesel's twin brother or the guy with the red hair was. So then I looked up what Fraternal meant and it gave me somewhat of an answer... Whats the difference between Fraternal and Identical twins and WHO IS PAUL VINCENT ?! HELP ME !!!!