Video: We can all learn something from Billy Butler


Jun 17, 2007
As a person who looks for the positive in most situations, I think we all owe Billy Butler a “thank you” this week. For one, we got to talk about the transgressions of an athlete not named Ryan Lochte. And beyond that, he reminded us all of a very important lesson that’s often worth a refresher.
Mind your own business.
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The clash of Butler and Danny Valencia — baseball’s best teammate fight since Jonathan Papelbon choked Bryce Harper — happened simply because Butler didn’t know when to shut his mouth.
I tackle the life lessons that Billy Butler has taught us in this week’s installment of my Open Mike video series. While this certainly applies to MLB clubhouses, it’s also good practice for everyday actions like posting on Facebook.
Billy Butler and Danny Valencia share a high-five and not fists during a recent game. (Getty Images/Jason O. Watson) According to Susan Slusser of the San Francisco Chronicle, Valencia popped Butler in the head because Butler told a cleats rep that he should drop Valencia’s endorsement deal and that Valencia was lying about wearing that specific brand of cleats. Here’s what happened next, according to the Chronicle:
“Don’t you ever loud talk me in front of a rep. That was wrong,” and walked aggressively toward Butler. Butler turned around, took a couple steps toward Valencia, and according to both witnesses, said, “I can say whatever I want and your b— ass isn’t going to do anything about it.” One player said that the men leaned in, bumped heads and then started pushing each other, Valencia started swinging and hit Butler in the temple.
*Butler ended up on the disabled list with a concussion — a very clear reminder that he crossed the line. But let’s all take a positive from this, friends:
Mind ya business. Don’t get punched in the head. And thank Billy Butler for reminding us the hard way.
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Mike Oz is the editor of Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @MikeOz