Video: Tiger Woods? British Open hopes end with triple bogey on the 6th hole


Jun 17, 2007
Five shots back of the lead going into Sunday, there was no question Tiger Woods needed to do something special to catch Adam Scott and win his 15th major championship. After opening his round with five straight pars, Woods came to the par-4 6th looking for a birdie.

It seemed like the perfect spot to get things going. Woods was a collective 3-under on the hole coming into the final round; if there was a hole on the course that was in his wheelhouse, it was this one.

Instead, the hole ended up being the spot where Woods' major championship hopes died on Sunday afternoon. After finding the bunker with his approach shot, Woods was left with a plugged lie up against the face. It was an almost impossible shot, but caddie Joe LaCava thought he could pull it off. The day prior on the very same hole, Woods' playing partner Thorbjorn Olesen executed the shot from almost the exact spot in the bunker, leading LaCava to believe that if a 22-year-old could pull it off, so could Woods.

"Alright, just go with*it,"*LaCava*could be heard saying on ESPN's telecast. "I mean (Thorbjorn*Olesen) was up against the lip with*the same kind of lie, but he got it out. I know it was a little higher, but that's what he had yesterday."

But Woods wasn't nearly as lucky as Olesen. He blasted the shot into the face of the bunker, leaving a diabolical shot that had Woods on his knees trying to get it out of the sand the second time around.

Woods managed to play a nifty shot and reach the green but ended up three-putting to card an unfortunate triple bogey that left him seven shots back of Adam Scott -- all but ending his chances of winning his fourth Claret Jug.

There's still golf left to be played, but the way Tiger's going along at the moment, he'd need to completely turn it around and post the greatest back nine of his career to even have a shot.