Video D/A Converter for a Blue Ray or Up-convert DVD player?


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Now here is my question. I am looking into getting either a Blue Ray or a up-convert DVD player for myself. I recently bought a Vizio 32" 120hz LCD TV. Now the tech specs for this Players show a Video D/A Converter and a rate associated with it in MHz. Now here are my two questions
1. If anyone can tell me more information as to how this would relate to the quality of playback on one of the mentioned players
2. Since my TV is a 120hz, would be sensible to get a MHz rating on a player higher than 120, assuming my knowledge from what I have learned about the concept, having a MHz rate higher than my TV would provide a better quality.
3. Any other information relating to what to be looking for in a good player as mentioned.

I'm looking for a good answer and not a "Uh, I dunno but this is really cool"
One more detail, in some examples, here is one up-convert DVD player and one Blue Ray player to look at for the Video D/A Converter specs to see what I'm talking about
One more detail, in some examples, here is one up-convert DVD player and one Blue Ray player to look at for the Video D/A Converter specs to see what I'm talking about
Don't get an upconvert DVD player. It's not high definition. In order to take advantage of true high definition, you need a Blu-ray player and some Blu-ray discs. Trust me, save your money and get something that is not going to be obsolete. DVD is 12 year old technology and was the best picture of the time but this is 2010 and high definition has been out now along with the storage medium of Blu-ray discs. Here's a difference in picture quality between DVD and Blu-ray: DVD quality is the first two and HD is the last two.