vets and dog nutrition?


New member
Nov 2, 2008
i have a yorkie that will be 2 in a month. he's a larger yorkie at 7 and a half pounds and 13in at the withers. i've had him since he was 4 months old but he has always been underweight. my vet has told me not to feed him dog food at all, especially innova because it has vegetables in it? He said to give him ground turkey, cottage cheese and unsweetened Cheerios. i tried it but he didn't seem to like it after a few weeks and i noticed he ate a lot of grass and had loose stool. Then he stopped eating most of it and the vet said to just let him go hungry for a while and he'd willingly eat it again.

i don't know what happened to him but he started vomiting and he lost a pound and a half in a manner of hours. i rushed him to the emergency clinic and they gave him fluids and did blood work. his blood work was fine. stool sample fine, no worms. no one knows what happened to him. i decided to slowly switch him back to innova which he eats willingly. he still has loose stool and it smells exactly like the innova but he's slowly gaining back the weight he lost.

should i have listened to my vet about his nutrition? could that be what caused his illness? when i listen to the vet sometimes i get the feeling that he really doesn't know what he's talking about. and why can't my dog gain any weight? along with the innova i give him high calorie supplements like dyne and nutri-cal to keep his appetite up as well as a multi vitamin called excel.
he has long fur that hides it but if you were to lift up the fur to where it's short you can see the ribs and feel his tailbone. overall he's healthy based on my regular vet and the emergency clinic but he's still underweight which concerned the emergency clinic a lot more than my regular vet
based on the innova listed ingredients there is no corn or wheat. my vet said any veggies, carrots, lettuce etc because dogs only eat meat and aren't like people but as soon as he said that i was thinking that they absorb all the nutrients of the plant eating animals so it made me think he didn't know what he was talking about