Very inconsistent download speeds while using bittorrent,?


May 20, 2008
I've been using u torrent a lot recently and noticed that after the first couple days of usage and having a consistent 150 kB/s download speed it now varies between none and, 50 kB/s very erratically. it is very annoying, i even took my lab top to my cousins house and his internet is much better then mine, for about an hour there i had 600kB/s + then, it dropped down to 50 kB/s and slower. my isp is at&t and his is comcast, i know some companies "throttle" torrent downloads and im curious if that's what's happening or if it is just because i don't have it configured right, at my place i even had the port for u torrent set up. its VERY annoying, any one know whats up and/or how to fix it?