Vented at work, maybe to the wrong person. Need damage control. Help!?


Jun 28, 2008
I work in a professional job at a large company. Up until about 3 months, my boss loved me. I was her go-to person for everything, and she always let me know I was doing a great job. Howver, about 3 months ago, I split with my husband due to some criminal activity on his part that I had previously been unaware of. As a result, I also had (still have) financial issues (I have 3 kids), and dealing with law enforcement because of what he has done. To be clear, I pressed charges on him, and I'm not in trouble for anything. Around the same time as this, my boss hired a friend of hers that had left a management job in our field of work. She was hired at an entry-level position, due to lack of experience. At this point, my relationship with my boss completely changed. My boss now criticizes my job performance and reprimands me for things I didn't do. Her friend, however, is allowed to put off doing certain tasks that I and another co-worker were required to have completed daily. On top of all of this, my boss and her friend will sit in my boss' office and discuss the dramas of her life (with her boyfriend) for 30 minutes at a time. Her friend will go into my boss' office daily before she leaves to fix her hair and makeup. She also works in myu boss' office when my boss isn't there. I have become very angry about this situation. I have vented to several coworkers (who have vented to me likewise) about how pissed I am that my boss criticizes my job performance and tells me I need to leave my personal issues at the door, when she is discussing her personal life and getting her hair and makeup done at an hourly-paid employee...on company time. I heard yesterday that one of my coworkers I vented to tol my boss' friend that 4 people had said they were not happy about my boss getting her hair and makeup done by her friend in the office. I'm afraid of the snowball this is going to create. I know I should not have vented at work, and definitiely will be more mindful in the future, but I think I need damage control. Help! If you have thoughts on the rest of this situation, I'd love to hear it
Found the right section for this question. I am moving it there.