Vent/need advice. Long?


New member
Jun 10, 2012
My dad said he was going on a fishing trip with his friend who lives upstate, which would imply he was going to be upstate right? Considering he didn't tell us anything else about where he was going. He send my mom a pic of some boats she enlarged it and one boat had words on it. It had the name of some place in Wisconsin. Coincidently a plane left at 5:50 this morning for Wisconsin at an airport really close to my house. My dad left at 4ish this morning. He keeps avoiding talking about where he is, and after my mom started crying and drilled him for info over the phone, he just told her he was upstate. However my dad lies a lot. He doesn't know this but i went into Facebook one day and it automatically logged into my dads page because he didn't sign out. I didn't realize this and thought I got some messages so I clicked on the messages tab. I saw my dad saying some things to some random lady he never even met and then she sent him a picture. I think she had a shirt on and it was pulled up to just below her breasts. My mom got suspicious after my dad started talking to her and asked him. He said there was"nothing bad going on". I don't know what to do. Neither of them know I know this. I feel like I can't trust my dad and I'm worried about where he is.
It's hard to say.

The sign you saw on the boat did it say something like ' Molly Girl ' (aka some random name of the boat) followed by Milwaukee, WI (just as an example?

That doesn't mean he's in WI. Those signs/markings are part of the boat identification - boat name, and home port it's moored at.