Vent about idiot highschool friends (easy 10 points)?


New member
Sep 10, 2011
So I have a few friends that pretty much whenever we hang out "need" to be high or drunk. (I guess I'm not as fun as I thought). And I'm sober because Im in a lot of important things that require us to be model citizens and yeah. So last night my friends got high , lied about, are mean high people. We were at football game at our school. With cops, parents, teachers. Well my old best friend (can't really call her that anymore) was so high that she was an emotional wreck (crying venting) . And i was so pissed because it's like "why the fuck would you do this to yourself" . Basically what I need help with is that I'm done being their sober babysitter but some of my other friends think its too mean to just give them ultimatum saying "if you get drunk or you get high, we can't be friends" so I revised it too if "you're getting drunk or getting high tell me so I know not to be around" I think it's disrespectful to not tell someone that they have a babysitting shift tonight . I was so heated because I don't like being caught up in this stuff , and I'm so sick of them. Period. Call me when you're sober ya know haha. I just fucking hate my friends. Hate this bullshit of a town. Hate these bullshit lies. Hate the bullshit. Oh btw if anyone does ever read this : call me a prude don't care rather be called a prude than a slut or pothead or a drunk. Have a beautiful day.
You selfish B****, they depend on you and all you can think about is what about my life? What about my fun? Seriously, pull the dead monkey outta you butt and live alittle. bitch