VeggieTales movies that don't make references to God?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
My nephew loves the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything VeggieTales movie. I would like to get some of the other movies for him to watch, but in keeping with my brothers wishes, don't want to get any of the "Christian" movies, as that is not their religion.

Does anyone know if any of the other full-length movies do not make references to God? The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything does not have ANY references to God at all, I own the dvd and have watched it with him probably a dozen times. I know most of the shows do have a christian theme to them, but I'm asking about the other longer episodes/movies they have:
The Lord of the Beans..
The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's..
Tomato Sawyer & Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue..
Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler..
Moe & the Big Exit..
Minnesota Cuke & the Search for Samson's Hairbrush...
Has anyone seen any of these VeggieTales?
I heard from the christian store I go to they are making another movie. Perhaps your have to wait for that one.