Vacation to California?


May 15, 2008
I really want to go on a summer vacation to California, but since I live in Chicago, we would have to fly. My parents don't think that it's a good idea to go because they don't think that we have the money. But I don't think that that's true because my dad is working more than he ever has before and my mom just got a part time job so now we make $100,000 a year. But they think that we need to use that money to buy a new car and send my brother and I to college and I agree with that but don't you think we have the money to do all of those things? I haven't been on an airplane in 10 years and a vacation in 2 years but that was only a few hours away. This is my junior year of high school and one of the last chances I have to travel with my family before I go to college. My parents are just worried about the cost of flying there. But I really don't understand that because we make $100,000 but yet my best friend's mom works at a day care and the dad works at K-Mart but yet last year they got to go to Vegas, D.C, Jamaica, and a cruise. An my Aunt flew from California to visit us but she makes less money than we do. I don't understand why my parents don't think that we have the money. I mean of course saving is good but if you only live once isn't it right to spend some of your money on enjoyment. I really just don't want to live my life away wishing I could have done this or gone there. I want to be able to travel, do the things, and enjoy myself bc I only really want to be happy. I really want to find a way to make this vacation work. Do you have any ideas for how to convince my parents or do you know how I can get a really cheap flight from Chicago to LAX???
It's your parent's money. It doesn't matter if they make $350,000 a year combined. If they don't want to spend the money to go to California, then they just simply don't.

Just be thankful that you're not on the streets and that your parents don't have to jump into trash cans and find whatever metal cans or bottles they can find to recycle so they can scrape some money to get food.
Your parents know best for your family. College gets really expensive for two children, Chicago is one of the more expensive cities to live in, and you seem to only be thinking about what you want. Some people don't even get vacations, just because you feel like going on vacation doesn't mean the rest of your family should hop on board with your idea. Why don't you get a job and pay for your own tickets, your parents have more important things in mind.