Using the Swear Filter for LOLZ

This isn't big enough for an April fool (not compared with what I have planned, anyway)

Especially when it only takes 20 seconds to set this stuff up
Street fight = Puerto Rican judo match

chi = psyblade

BJJ = Gymkata

point sparring = man dancing

judo = bathrobe wrestling
How about
rule set -> bed = "Well, these two were working in different beds, when you put them in the same bed, the offtopic guy would dominate"

full-contact -> camp = "The only training worth doing is camp training. If you ain't camp, you're just wasting time"
Jackie Chan - my young Auntie

points fight - slumber party pillow fight

Change offtopic to Grand Celestial Do
offtopic -> Fake ninjas. I was watching tv last night and this fake ninja guy took out Tank Abbott.

UFC -> Under fifteen centimetres. Did you see the under fifteen centimetres fighting. It was awesome.

TKD -> Kangaroo. The ability to perform a flying kick in the kangaroo will make beginners wonder what they should be trying in the future.

Bullshido -> Gang bang. I love to post on the Gang Bang site. You can have good discussions on there.

Koryu -> Crinkly. It has to be crinkly or it does not count.

Ninja -> Darkness. You have to train a lot to be in darkness. If not you may end up being called offtopic. (See above)
We should change K1 and Pride to limp wrist.

I was watching a limp wrist video last night....


I am in training for a limp wrist.
[mod hinting and ranting]The more observant of you will have noticed some posts have been merged.

If you think of another "change" within an hour of posting (unless the thread has headed in a completely different direction since your last), please use the button and edit your last.

If I see a load of posts by the same person with only a couple of extras, I'll merge the posts and take it as postwhoring. That means you can expect your postcount to go down for every post you make instead of up.

[/mod hinting and ranting]
I think that's a bit harsh personally Anth! I couldn't care less what my post count is! Editing into the original post just isn't the first thing to come to mind.
Question? If you edit into your original post it won't register as a new post on the the new post section will it? And if you click the go to first unread post button, as I think most of us do then most of us will miss any knew additions won't we? Who wants to reread every post in the thread every time just to see if maybe anyone added something?
Ok ok , could we change

chi - Derren Brown's mind trick

forms - line dancing

katas - robotic dancing

grappling- foxy mud wrestling

boxing- foxy boxing
Boxing would more likely be

Boxing -> meaningless labour. I wan in a match doing meaningless labour and lost to a large man who was heavier than me.

Submission -> Bondage fight. I wan in a bondage fight and lost due to a heavier man.
Bad news folks, had to turn off that modification because it was (for some reason) stopping any capitalisation in posts
Aliveness -> Michael Jackson"It's not the technique; it's the training method. Are you training with Michael Jackson or not? Without Michael Jackson, you might as well be playing pattie cake for all the good it will do you on the street."
Gun = Rubber chicken. "I'm trained and experienced in the use of a rubber chicken" or "I have a license to own a rubber chicken", "would you shoot someone with a rubber chicken?".