US embassies attacked

Acha phir yeh batao yaar, aap Pakistan mein rehtey ho? Aapki English toh bahot fuss class hai (loll). Karachi? Koi aur thread mein maine aapka location pin dekha tha on the world map, noticed your name there.
So are you saying we can just go and declare war on any body we like and regime change is entirely legitimate? I think you'll find those things are illegal.
MAP is an English language forum. Please only post in English or provide a translation for anything else. Either that or I'll start translating everything into scouse, and nobody wants that!

He was asking if i was pakistani =P and if i lice in karachi, cuz i put my MAP map point there.

YEsh. i live in Karachi. You too? cuz you have excellent Romandu =P

a suofftopicry of todays, disgraseful events.
I was saying, "Jeez that son of a mitch sure is annoying!"

But no really, is that seriously a rule? lol.

Haha. My whole family's from Lahore and I was born and raised in the U.S. My Urdu is actually terrible but I can write it somewhat okay just because I get a lot of time to think about it before saying/typing it LOL.
It's a shame there was not riots about the 14 year old girl getting gang raped by 5 men 2 weeks ago in Pakistan,seems priorities need re-adjusting
What? a small issue like that? Jeez two weeks ago we had a much better reason to riot, like that little illiterate christian girl with downs syndrome who burned a few pages of the Quran that someone had already thrown out. Now that is a reason to riot.

*Sarcasm end*
This is slightly off topic, but in case you hadn't heard it that story gets worse. A little while later it was reported that a local mullah had framed her, so she might not even be guilty after all:
Jumping back towards the original topic, I find it very interesting how little publicity this story has got -

To sum up for those who don't want to read it, tens of thousands of Libyan protestors have stormed several militia groups in protest against the attacks on the US embassy. They have driven them out of several of their bases, and have caused one of the groups to agree to disband completely.

A few comments have been made in this thread, and other places, asking why the more moderate people don't rise up against the extremists - I'd say thirty thousand people marching on, and razing, militia bases would count as rising up against them quite effectively.
I was having this discussion with some family while I was visiting them this past weekend. We have this friend who happens to be a pretty big celebrity when it comes to providing aid for natural disaster victims around the world and has been in Pakistan ever since the earthquakes in Kashmir a few years ago. For some reason, he found the people of Pakistan very kind and has remained protesting for rights and trying to educate many Pakistanis there about common misconceptions of the West and such (I can say that because my roots are from Pakistan :p). At any rate, we asked him what was going on with those riots in Karachi and he said it was probably at most 100 people out of millions roaming around the streets. He went out in broad day light several times and never even saw a single protester.

The problem is that all these problems in Muslim countries are blown out of proportion immensely so that the average American in their living room will think, "Those friggin Moozlums are so violent! I hate them! I'm voting for Mitt Romney!" It's highly selective media coverage that will only portray the negatives because it suits the agenda of conquering the ME.
It's definitely a good start,let's hope to see it in the several other countries of which Libya was one. It was covered on France 24 and I was told on the bbc to... I don't watch USA net works so can't say about them.
Exactly. I, personally, see it as a "three-fold problem". One issue is that there are really not that many people truly raising cane at any one time. Most are just watching the more active people misbehave. The second issue, though, is that the folks who ARE misbehaving may well-know they are being recorded by the Media and play to the cameras. There is also a chance that others might just pitch-in to get their faces on TV.

Lastly, I blame the Media producers who constantly fish for Market Share. Tight camera frames, poor focus and poor stability can all impact a video making it seem like a lot more is going on than really is. There are even University courses in "docu-dramas" and "mock-umentaries" that teach how to give a real "You Are There" feel to videos or the sense that you have been swallowed-up by some chaotic event. The Truth is the Truth, but for Media Producers the Truth is often "boring". Better to have an exciting misrepresentation, right?

Best Wishes,

It has been known for news crews not merely to focus on a few dozen people at a close angle to give the impression of hundreds, or thousands, but to actually pay extra people to join in (in some cases to fire shots in the air along with the actual extremists).

Yep, exactly.

It's one of the reasons that bloggers and other, similar, 'new' media (I hate that term) tend to be a more reliable source. They're actually interested in reporting on the event, even if they are more likely to give a biased view.
I was speaking to a friend of mine in Pristina(Kosovo) last night , first time in a long time. This topic came up, he said there were some planned "protests" but those who were stirring it up, got slapped down quite fast by the majority.

He also said their most prominent cleric went on TV to denounce the violence, again no media coverage here but w.e

Good, Great! It's high time the peace loving majority in these countries take control away from the violent minority. Had they done this sooner we would all be living in a safer world.
Obama administration threw Hillary under the bus!
Well of course. Somebody needed to step up on this one. The decision was made lower on the bureaucratic food chain than the Secretary of State. To blame the White House for the decision to not supplement security is politicizing the issue in an ugly way and it's a disservice to those who fell in the line of service to their country.

The White House & State Department did totally bungle the aftermath by portraying it as a reaction to the stupid movie in the media. That went on far too long and they looked dishonest when in fact they were moronic. The people killed were victims of terrorism plain and simple. Portraying it as anything else is also a disservice to their memory.