"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"


New member
Apr 4, 2008

Is nuclear war a possibility? I have a personal connection with Northern Koreans. Kim Jong's oppressive regime isn't that different from Saddam's. I hope to see the Northern Koreans liberated, but I would rather not have a nuclear war.

The assumption here of course is that if there is a war, the Northern Koreans freedom would be the top priority. I don't think that will be the case, but if the regime is toppled, it would be a possibility.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

The North threaten war every time a US servicemen so much as shakes hands with a South Korean one. North Korea can threaten whatever they want, so long as China remain friendly.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

China isn't going to let N. Korea step too far out of line I don't think. Instability in the region won't be good for the Chinese economy. They already have enough riots and civil unrest as it is. They won't want more problems brought about by a nutcase in platform shoes.
Funny thing about predictions on the geopolitical stage - wasn’t there some little European dust-up during the last century where one of the warring nation’s leaders conveyed to his departing troops with confidence: “You will be home before the leaves have fallen from the trees."

Now if only yesterday’s leaders had followed American History Professor Turgesson's tactical viewpoints on the proper way of resolving that Korean conflict:

YouTube- Contemporary American History

But I have complete confidence that if the USS George Washington was ever sunk in a sneak attack with heavy loss of American life – Obama would sternly proclaim to the world that, “The North Koreans acted stupidly.”
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Kim Jong is dangerous but and shouldn't be taken lightly, He is on his way out the door and seems hell bent on taking the rest of us with him I just hope there's elements within his own regime with a little more sense who will stop him.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

There has been a possibilty of Nuclear War ever since we developed the Nuke. Likely hood of it happening slim to none because most countries know the ramifications of starting something like that.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

I hope so, but all it takes is one of them to go off and we'll have a nuclear holocaust on our hands.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

North Korea for all it's posturing is incredibly reliant on the support it receives from China. If it launched a nuke I suspect that there would be massive multilateral action from the international community, including China and North Korea would be totally screwed. North Korea's leaders know that and so it's unlikely that they would do something that would practically guarantee their destruction. At the same time the sheer oddness and instability of Kim Jong Il makes such a disastrous decision a possibility. If a nuke does get launched it will be South Korea or Japan that suffer the consequences...
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Both are supported by the U.S. and both have enough U.S. presence that U.S. casualties are almost guaranteed. I would think that N.K. is smart enough not to engage the U.S. but I have a bad feeling about Kim Jong.

Was it China that provided N.K. with nuclear capabilities, Russia, or both?
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Sure US casualties would be guaranteed in a conflict with NK but what I meant was that any nuke NK launches would be aimed at South Korea or Japan. I doubt they even have the capability to launch a rocket that could hit the US.

Regardless, if it happened it would be bad news for the whole world and as for nuclear technology think it's quite controversial but Pakistan seems to have been involved. China and Russia don't seem to have been responsible from the little research I've done.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Neither. They developed them themselves over the course of many decades, completing their first test in 2006. The Soviets never gave North Korea nukes because they didn't want China to have them. China didn't want a nuclear-powered state with delusions of grandeur rivaling its power in the region.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

It's nothing new really. More posturing and brinksmanship from North Korea. They are incredibly erratic in the best of times. Currently they are working out who to put in place once the Kim kicks the bucket. They've had several high level defections that show that the whole thing is really a total turd fest.

There are more than enough creditable accounts that a very big number of N. Koreans live just barely above the starvation level. Get further into the countryside the worse it gets.

To give you an example of how bad it has to be there... China has people trying to get out to western world all the time. They risk life and limb for a better life elsewhere because corruption and brutality is so rampant in many parts of China... and then you have the N. Koreans who risk life and limb to escape INTO that!!!!

Seriously... I'd have to wonder if N. Korea was capable of more than just a few missile launches. Their economy has been horrid for years... could they even afford to feed their troops for a war. I suspect not.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

I watch a documentary and did some research about N.K. a few weeks back. What you said is right on Slip as most do try to escape into China for the simple fact that the entrance to S.K. is nearly impossible. It still speaks volumes on the desperation of the North Korean civilians.

I saw how the North Koreans revere Jong, it's not that much of a difference than what Iraqis were doing with Saddam except N.K. had it going on way longer.

The terror is so entrenched in their hearts that they are can't tell the difference between respect and fear.

Is it bad to wish death on someone like him?
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

We've all got to die sometime, so if you feel bad about wishing death on him, just wish that the inevitable happens a little sooner. Or if that still feels wrong to you, just wish him a coma.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"



"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Come one now, he's just a rittrle ronery!


one f-bomb. but meh.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

If he is alive :p some experts think he has been dead for some time and is being played in public appearances by actors previously used to protect him from assassination. its not that hard to believe the guy has a reported stroke once a week.
"US aircraft carrier leads drills with South Korea"

Was that the documentary where the camera crew followed a visiting eye surgeon and his surgical team?

They interviewed the patients, and visited their villages and lifestyles. It was truly disturbing in terms of the Orwellian presence and total leader worship for The Great One or whatever they call him these days.

The scary part was when each of the patients had their head bandages removed - they all went to the room's mandatory wall portrait and babbled profuse thanks to Fearless Leader on "curing them".