Upset, want to know if I am wrong for it.

Yeah, I'm not feeling this. I think it's bad enough that we'd even need some regulation to tell us that we should give our seat up or give the choice parking spaces to someone who might be under more physical duress than we are. Where does that line end? If I see an elderly woman carrying groceries, should I not give her my seat? She chose to buy groceries. She chose to ride the bus. And other people her age might be more physically capable.

I get that not everyone buys into this magic of motherhood stuff. I didn't myself before I had children. But even when I was "child free," I had some innate sense that I, as an able-bodied young man, should yield my comfy chair to someone who was clearly carrying more than me. Whether they were carrying that load in a womb or a tote bag.

It's not such a big deal, as acts of kindness go.
we roll different then. I dont believe any and every pregnant lady is automatically in need of a seat and automatically deserving.

yeah ok I dont buy it though.

You must mean extremists. I dont know any conservatives who want to get rid of it entirely.


done and done.

btw i guess count duckula and i are not friends then. Cause i couldnt be friends with someone who'd disown me just cause i am not fond of their baby/toddler. Even though i would never ever hurt one. and have never ever hurt one. Glad the rest of my mom's family wasnt like that. They just dealt with it and when the kids got out of the baby/toddler stage we became the best of friends. I love older kids.
Yup. I don't like extremists so i wouldnt hang around real conservative conservatives.

I have one conservative on my fb , he's cute and givesme a laugh cause he sys nazis were socialists. Dunno if he's an extremist though. He's pro life but even most of them are moderates.

oh yah i forgot. its not homo sapiens anymore, your homo superior.

England? I dont know. Never been there. Dunno what its like. But the accents are cute.

I dunno, I said my newborn niece is not weird (cause they all look weird to me but she never) and my bro flipped a crap. Seems like if you say anything other than the expected its cute response parents flip out. I wonder why everyone i see on fb says all babies are cute. They have to be lying. I havent ever seen a cute baby human.
You see what you are doing here is calling everyone else weird or a liar while considering yourself "normal". That's not the case.
You are pretty out there.
I can accept that people find babies icky. I can accept people don't like children.
But you are extreme and realising that would probably help smooth things over.

I have a similar reaction to alcohol. Don't really touch the stuff. It all tastes pretty vile to me. So when people say "This whisky tastes great" or "this wine is lovely" I don't get it at all. It's all just variations of nasty when I taste it. Give me a nice cold glass of tropicana any day.
However I don't think they are lying when they say they like it.
That'd be a bit stupid I think.
Well, duh. There are some things society simply requires of you. One of them is to never ever EVER give the indication you think a person's baby is anything less than the cutest thing you've ever seen.
Took all the good sense I had to talk myself out of taking a picture of my three months old cousin with a cigar stuck in his mouth...
or, as in the case of my niece, with Alan Carr - but only after the parents have make the comparison first!
I can't do that. Oh well. I hate society anyway.

I dont say anything most times. I ignore any baby pictures like on fb and stuff.

Extreme? I dont know. I suppose in a group of baby lovers I am. In a group of child free? I dont know.
No, you're pretty extreme in those views by any measure. If you can't play the 'oh, how adoreable' game, then you say nothing at all. Just smile and nod, smile and nod.
This is just lame on your part. Seriously... this is just basic common sense and courtesy. The same applies for the elderly and those who are on crutches etc. Sheesh. What too-cool-for-school world are you living in?

I would even go so far as to suggest counseling. Maybe this baby/pregnant lady thing is indicative of some repressed trauma or something. Might not hurt to talk to someone about it. Someone besides us, that is.
how do it all apply? Not every pregnant lady needs a seat. Not every elderly needs one. Crutches do. but thats cause they got crutches.

Jon I was like this my WHOLE life. Even when I was a kid i really really did not like babies or toddlers.
There's two ways you can approach this.

Option 1: Be nice, and give up your seat to anyone who might need it more.
Option 2: Be unpleasant, and demand that anyone who asks for a seat demonstrate their need for it - possibly with an ID card of some kind.

As a side-note to this, on my way into work this morning a young pregnant lady fainted on the train. No one had offered her a seat (I didn't have a seat to offer). Luckily she didn't crack her head open in the fall.