Update: Senate sends safety reform to President


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Jun 18, 2007
Update: Senate sends safety reform to President
[SIZE=-1]The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act is on its way to the President after being passed by the Senate in an 89-to-3 vote Thursday. "What you'll see is better systems put in place to check for dangerous products," said Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), the measure's chief backer in the Senate, in the Washington Post.
?Consumers Union dubbed 2007 the ?Year of the Recall;? today, the New Direction Congress dubs 2008 the ?Year of Consumer Protection,?" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement to the press. "With Senate passage of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, Congress has passed legislation on behalf of our nation?s most valuable resource?our children." The House passed the bill a day earlier.
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