[United Kingdom] Kung Fu Fighting?


Mar 1, 2008
Any UK'ers or Kung Fu'ers have any comment on this one?

Unfortunately its when a person is offended by remark/material and percieves it as racial/hate crime, then it has to be treated like such.

Common sense not-withstanding.

I wouldnt be offended by the above incident, but it always just takes one.
The police have very little discretion anymore. If they'd refused to arrest the guy, then they'd have opened themselves up to all sorts of bother. The CPS wont prosecute.
As both a journalist for The Sun and a former resident of the Isle of Wight who has seen this chap play quite recently, I like this news story very much!
While I personally hold that anyone singing that stupid song should be taken out and shot I feel the arrest on racism charges is silly and a besmirchment on the individual's character.

Free this man from this ridiculous charge.

Then shoot him-but for the right reason.

Have a wondeful day!