Unemployment lowest in 3 years, military coming home, jobs added yet reps. still...


New member
May 30, 2008
...complain? Isn't it obvious only want Obama to fail & they don't care about the country?
Unemployment may be the lowest in three years, but it is still higher than it ever was during the Bush Administration.
This statement is why normal people just don't pay much attention to liberal sycophants.

1. Obama has been in office all those 3 years
2. Military are coming home on the schedule Bush, and Rumsfeld wrote
3. 200,000 job increase? 25 million unemployed vs 200,000 that would be .008%
Well lets see

In January 2009 when Obama assumed office

140.4 million americans had jobs

In January 2011, 140.6 million americans have jobs

The only problem being, there are 4 million more americans in the work force now, than there were in 2009

65% of americans had jobs in January 2009

Only 63% have jobs now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can remember when unemployment was lower, during the Bush administration. Seasonally adjusted unemployment is at 8.5%, as soon as the that ends it will go back to 9%, then we will see the reduction of the military and it will go up Again as our troops hit the economy.
Since when did liberals care about the Country, they wanted it to fail when Bush was in office and they still do.
Oh and the people that supported and passed Jim Crow laws were Democrats.