

It wasn't sanitary....back in time referred to as "BCE." Now that the norm is such that people generally take daily showers, being uncircumcised isn't a sanitary issue. And I've gone for a couple weeks without a shower and I'm not dying right now from some venereal disease.
This. Except dont "remind her you brought dick too" the first time, unless it's just a one-night thing.

Edit - Also, it can be unsanitary, and it can even get bad enough where you can't pull the foreskin back, but that requires incredible amounts of idiocy and at the least, a few months of never washing for that to happen.
im uncut, i have never had a problem with any girls, most didn't even notice..
plus i can fap without lube.
i dont know if ive been cut. theres a discoloration but were not religious so why else would they do it? theres no over lap but i dont need lube. analyze me ST!
if you can pull a flap of skin off your dick head then you are uncut. if your head is showing then you are cut.

as for the circumcised people who think uncut gross. fuck all you guys. if you weren't cut you would think differently. people only started cutting skin off there cocks because they never bathed in the old days. they were always dirty so they figured, hey! maybe if i cut this off my dick then it wont smell and be gross! it then became such a regular thing that doctors did it without even asking the parents. but actually, it is perfectly normal and natural to not cut a peace off your dick. keep in mind, you would only get some kind of problem with your uncircumcised dick if you don't wash it in three months. if you shower daily, even weekly, then you are perfectly fine. for all the religious people out there, why would god give you something and then you cut it off for no apparent reason? i have never had a problem with any girls and my dick. some actually even like it. they said it just is something extra to play with with there tongue. so if your cut and think uncut is gross, get your head out of the gutter.
Wow I can't believe this ****, we had 3 threads like this before...

I'm starting to think that little 13 and 14 year olds are taking over small-talk, some of you people who are saying "being cut is best, being uncut is gross" are ****ing retarded.

First of all, it depends on the girl.. if the girl cares about the penis being cut or uncut, she is SHALLOW...and doesn't like you basically..being a shallow girl probably refers to being a WHORE....FYI...

Second of all, being uncut does give you more pleasure, if you get your foreskin cut off, don't you think you loose a lot of nerve endings and all? Come on, think about it, it's ****ing common sense...

Third of all.... you can pull your foreskin back if you are uncut and be considered as "circumcised" and the girl won't even know(for all you shallow guys who want to be cut).. if it's her first time...plus your penis will be in a condom, so it won't even matter.. ****...
Alot of the health places and AIDS places say that someone who has been circumcised has less of a risk of getting HIV and STDs.

So all you uncircumcised people that are just jealous of us circumcised people, have fun with know you have alot greater chance with hiv, infections, other stds, cancer, and having a weird looking penor. Also, ive never heard of a girl turning down a guy because he was circumcised.
my dick is sooooo cut that if i accidently get a boner my skin will rip off.

but in all seriousness; i am cut and not proud of it, however i am not regretting that i am cut. it doesn't bother me and personally, i don't think ANY girl should have a problem with loose skinned dicks. if she does, then you aren't going to want to get her whore diseases anyway.