Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL

florida gives something none of these states can top....maybe california but were cooler...

yep...take it in
lol, too many stuck up douche fags on the east and west coast, have you heard of something called southern hospitality? it seems to go a long way. plus Austin balls everyone else party wise *as stated in a previous vs. thread, we are still the drunkest city in the US and im damn proud of it*
how the hell is FL beating NY? I'm ashamed of you people.

Florida is the elephant graveyard of America.
Way to be a douche. And please, your lack of comprehension of the English language is making you look like more of a "hick bitch" than him.
WTF?? New York has way too many fucking people!! Its crowded, its dirty and WTF is there to do there besides shop eat and drink...not much. At least in Florida, you have any and all beach activities, including scuba, snorkle, fishing, surfing, sunbaithing, tons of shit. Then you have Bush Gardens, Sea World, Disney, Universal, Islands of Adventure, Adventrue Island.

edit: :tup: for NY school system though, I hear its pretty good and ours is in the shitter.