Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

Who (arguably) puts on a better TV show? Bear.

Who would I rather be stuck in the middle of nowhere with? Les.
Bear has the "I want to ge the fuck out of here" and here is what you can do. His show is about finding civilization where people aren't looking for you. He does crazy things but its also the will to survive you will have to get past your fear of things and take hold of your life.
Les has it down where if you know people are looking for you you can basically live where you are for a long period of time and eventually someone will find you.

Both are great shows, Bear has the excitement factor and Les can live anywhere. They both have good info but Les does everything on his own so in the long run he would be able to survive longer since he goes without human contact.
You won't see survivor man skinning a camel, eating its fat than hiding in its carcass for shelter...

I'll agree he does some unnecesarry things, and i'll admit that they both get assistance, but as you guys have been saying that bear has his crew yada yada, well in certain situation there is a team there to save survivorman from death. Despite no actual crew following him like with Bear, I guarantee there is always a crew in the general area with a close eye on him, there is no way their just going to leave him completely alone.

Bottomline, I think If I needed a survival expert with me in a desolate location where all the worst things can happen, and all the worst beasts are about, and I had to pick one of them to help me survive and get to civilization, I would pick Bear in a heartbeat...
BBC had a story on it. A camera man gave the info. What you said is like saying that we don't know that there is really a war in Iraq, because neither of us have ever seen it.
Too bad your dad put his dick on your lips when you were a baby.
Survivorman survives. Bear has babysitters and eats goat testicles.

Anyone in good shape that has a crew to help if shit goes wrong can do what Bear does. It's Les's knowledge and experience that sets him above Bear when it comes to surviving.
Bear is a bamf. He does unbelievably crazy shit and has bigger balls than me or anyone here. That doesn't make him a better survivor though.
thats true and not true, bear knows some pretty crazy shit, makes really good shelters and uses some ingenious traps to catch food. plus hes willing to eat or drink whatever it takes to survive. as for survivor man, i swear he reads a book on the plants native to where hes going to live because that guy knows stuff that no one would know unless they lived there.
he talks to natives before he goes there about survival tricks, because face it, like the amazon episode, he'd never survive without knowing about the small huts they built
I'm not even going to read the thread because I don't want to argue. I'll just say half of you have never learned anything about survival except from their shows. Both of them are stupid, but the techniques Bear uses are better.
Who cares about the cameras, who cares about him staying in hotels, you do some of the things he mentions and you're better off then you would be sitting in a shelter all day.

Yes, I've done survival courses, I know what I'm talking about, my instructor knew what he was taking about, having been a military vet and teaching survival for the military for years. He even said, both of them do completely idiotic things, but Bear uses good techniques.
Well I'm sure he does research a lot of the plant names and things like that to educate himself, and keep the show educational.

And I'm not saying Bear doesn't know shit, but you know the guy is bullshitting a good amount of the time.
He always says something like "And when you come across this type of terrain, you need to be careful because you could fall down. I had a friend who was hiking these mountains and slipped on a wet rock and plunged down a crevasse and was never heard from again", or some kind of dramatic shit like that.

Also, yes, he does do what would hypothetically need to do to survive.
If you needed water, you could drink elephant shit water. He actually doesn't though, as I am sure he could just beg a cameraman for it. So what it boils down to is that Bear is a whore that will do gross shit for money.
You're forgetting the fact that a lot of these scenarios are in places and areas where there's no possibility of you finding civilization; and even if there is, you'd still most likely have better chances of surviving if you just stayed put.

Les wins hands down. I saw Bear in my front yard filming a scene while his film crew fed him Funyuns during breaks. Game set and match.
that is surviving you fucking idiot. you have got to be the dumbest poster here and you are obviously sucking bear grylis's[sp/dont care] dick.

les is way better.the only thing bear really does is eat animals and i think he is up to shens.
les stroud bitches the whole time. theres an episode where he's in the jungle and hes practically crying for his mom. i guess it helps that grylls was in the french foreign legion though.

in real life though, i still have to say grylls would win cuz hed be willing to do the crazy stuff. the only reason he "fakes" it is because he wants his show to actually be interesting.