UK Election 2010

I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned Gordon browns monumental screw up today , how do you all feel this will effect the election ?
Like everything else in this media hype nation, Brown's remarks have been blown way out of proportion. Journalists are behaving like a pack of hyenas. Kinda reminds me of when everyone jumped on the Michael Jackson bandwagon; focusing too much attention on something I'll probably forget about in two seconds when I go to read FHM on the toilet.

Not that hard to guess it'll be on the front pages of every newspaper tomorrow morning.

If you watch the footage of the woman and Brown interacting, she doesn't give him a chance to respond to her questions. I'm not a Brown supporter, but I can't blame him for saying what he did. Old bat deserves a slap, not a namecalling.
The term ignorant would be closer to the mark, I think. But whenever you start talking about immigration, bigotry is never far away.

Typical annoying Northern pensioner. Get 'em all the time around here. One coversation I had with a whinging old bag on a bus once:

Her: "When I was young we had to do National Service."

Me: "You were conscripted? Good for you. I volunteered."
His choice of wording was certainly poor , to label someone a bigot because they disagree with immigration policy is a bit much imo.
It was said in frustration during a private conversation. It should never have been aired.
Why should what Gordon Brown said about a woman have influence over his policies, his leadership capabilities? No ones perfect, I'm sure if we dug deep into Cameron and Clegg we would find many similar things, it seems Murdoch has switched sides again!
Murdoch's been back in the Conservative camp for a while now. That's one reason I'm going for the Lib Dems - they're the party that Murdock fears most as he has little hold over them and his attempts at attack through his press mouthpieces are falling flat.
Heard this from my politics lecturer, Murdoch claims that whatever party he has supported in any country has always won an election... I would love it if that weren't the case, but it's just the state of the world we live in. *sigh*
Doesn't NewsCorp run Fox News? They were hardly backing Obama all the way into the white house!
From what I remember, Labour were not favourites during the time of John Smith, after his death and the rise of Blair/Brown duo they were still unknown underdogs, with Murdochs help and the turning of traditional "conservative" newspapers to Labour friendly newspapers around 95/96 led to the huge rise in popularity of Blair...
I'm thinking of standing next time around.

My manifesto so far: -

Free gym/dojo/sports club membership for MAP Supporters.

Suppliments and physio on the NHS.

Free cinema entry on showing club membership.

Martial Arts video, books, DVD's and seminars to be free as they are educational.

Working week to be a maximum of 10 hours (just enough for a few classes).

Import of weapons to be relaxed for Martial Artists.

I need a finance minister, foreign affairs minister, home affairs minsiter and a minister of funny walks.
Well I'm a student of International Relations, foreign affairs is right up my street, I could also do Defence.
The Conservatives were finished long before The Sun et al. moved to support Labour.

It is not the job of the media to mould public opinion. This election cycle has, for me at least, cemented the fact that print media in this country is better off dead.