TV show that involved karate studio?


New member
Nov 28, 2010
There was this tv show I remember I used to watch. I don't remember how long ago this was - ten years more or less is my guess. I don't remember the name of it, but I remember a little bit of what it was about. It was NOT a cartoon, and it was NOT karate kid. (Those are the only answers google is giving me.) It involved a group of teenagers I think, who all had their different problems, and there was this man who offered to give them all karate lessons at his studio (for free? I don't remember). One of the characters was named Trey, and the only thing I remember about him was he was abused by his father. (I think it was him at least.) Another character, a girl, had a motorcycle. I think the guy who ran the studio was trying to teach them to stand up for themselves. Anyway, I'm pretty sure the show only lasted for one season, IF that. My memory is telling me it was cancelled after like 7 or 8 episodes, but I could be wrong.
I know that's not much to go on, but if anyone could give me a clue as to what it was called, I'd be very grateful. I quite liked that show. Thanks!