
  1. Z

    Any fun iPhone apps? Gamecenter not involved ?

    I dropped my iPhone and now I can't play any games that use gamecenter. This sux because a lot of my paid apps use that. I was wondering if there are any tower defense or zombie apps that don't use gamecenter? Preffebably free, any help Is GREATLY APPRECIATED !
  2. A

    Do you think it is likely that Microsoft will get involved in the handheld war?

    When I say war I mean Sony vs Nintendo
  3. B

    How are the 3 major energy systems involved with MMA?

    Need help ASAP
  4. T

    PhD Thesis: Study Of Some Of The Mechanisms Involved In Resistance To The Bacteria Sa

    In their natural environment bacteria develop by forming communities of micro-organisms called biofilms that afford them greater resistance.These biofilms on farms and premises where food is processed lead to considerable economic losses besides being a potential source of contamination and...
  5. G

    Can i record the audio of a meeting without telling the people involved ?

    First of all i am from Quebec, Canada. Tomorrow i have an appointment with my boss. Can i record the audo of the meeting without telling them ? We have some problem that we need to solve but at the same time I want to protect myself against thing they could say to me. Ps: i would use my...
  6. T

    Identification Of Gene Involved In Lung Tumor Growth

    Lung cancer researchers at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Ariz., in collaboration with researchers at the Translational Genomics Research Institute and other institutions, have identified a gene that plays a role in the growth and spread of non-small cell lung cancer...
  7. M

    Poll: don't you feel sad for those who are involved in you know.. p industries?

    I mean to think what kind of lives do they lead? I personally can't picture them with families.... How can they walk around shamelessly knowing that they engage in these activities? How can they carry on this way for the rest of their lives? I would most certainly not welcome not even one who...
  8. T

    Cancer Patients On Lower Incomes Less Likely To Be Involved In Clinical Trials

    Cancer patients with annual household incomes below $50,000 were less likely to participate in clinical trials than patients with annual incomes of $50,000 or higher, and were more likely to be concerned about how to pay for clinical trial participation. This is the conclusion of a large study...
  9. G

    Bloomberg: Steve Jobs Was Closely Involved With Development of Larger iPhone 5 [Rumor

    First the Wall Street Journal said the next iPhone will have a four-inch screen, then Reuters agreed, and now Bloomberg's sources are saying the same thing. Bloomberg are also reporting, however, that Steve Jobs was closely involved with the design process. More »
  10. A

    Cincinnati players allegedly involved in altercation at a nightclub

    A bouncer's swollen right eye may result in another black eye for Cincinnati basketball program. Brian McLucas, a bouncer at PLAY nightclub in Cincinnati, filed a police report Sunday claiming several Bearcats punched and kicked him when he tried to remove them from a VIP table the previous...
  11. A

    Why would a man who is already involved in a relationship try to be a friend

    with me,too? What does he want from me?
  12. B

    TV show that involved karate studio?

    There was this tv show I remember I used to watch. I don't remember how long ago this was - ten years more or less is my guess. I don't remember the name of it, but I remember a little bit of what it was about. It was NOT a cartoon, and it was NOT karate kid. (Those are the only answers google...
  13. B

    My brother and his wife expect me to be active, involved, and interested... their three kids' lives, but...? ...they show no interest whatsoever in our younger sister (a struggling single mom) or her two kids. It makes me so angry that I just want to focus all of my uncle attentions & efforts on my sister's kids, and just leave my brother's kids to their two...
  14. B

    My brother and his wife expect me to be active, involved, and interested... their three kids' lives, but...? ...they show no interest whatsoever in our younger sister (a struggling single mom) or her two kids. It makes me so angry that I just want to focus all of my uncle attentions & efforts on my sister's kids, and just leave my brother's kids to their two...
  15. G

    How can I get more involved in the gay rights movement?

    My life changed a lot recently, I never really thought about gay rights because i was straight. And I never really agreed with gay advocates, but I recently fell in love the greatest girl ever and she's a transsexual. After wrestling with my own personal belief's I realize that it's not WHAT a...
  16. T

    The Complexities Involved In End Of Life Care

    Everyone has to die one day, yet often the issue of death and dying still remains a taboo, despite the fact that palliative care is a major public health issue. An international study in this week's PLoS Medicine shows that those working in palliative care not only have to provide fundamental...
  17. P

    Do you think that if there was a world war 3 that the countries involved

    would introduce conscription? a non-nuclear war or a war that goes for a while then turns nuclear.
  18. T

    2.5% Of US Youths Involved In Sexting, 1% In Sexually Explicit Image Distribution

    It appears that 2.5% of American kids aged from 10 to 17 years are involved in sexting, and 1% send sexually explicit images that would probably be deemed as illegal, according to child pornography laws, researchers from the University of New Hampshire reported in the journal Pediatrics. The...
  19. A

    I've been involved in Boardwalk Empire

    Kelly Macdonald said the Boardwalk Empire DVD came at the right time for her.The actress plays Margaret Schroeder in HBO show, which is the executive producer Martin Scorsese.He asked if I wanted to stay in the The Office DVD program for a long time stylist Macdonald said: "As I keep on the...
  20. T

    I have a bad premonition that iam going to be involved in an accident on the...

    ...weekend what should i do? Its not a dream neither a vision. Iam just keep seeing myself getting hit by a car or getting beaten up, or someone knifes me or shoots me. It only happens when iam awake. I have this really bad feeling something very wrong is going to happen in a small trip to a...