Tv show on the internet plot?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
OK,so me & my friend have this webshow called Imelen(link below) Helen is usually busy, & I wanna make my own series. Thats right 1 person only. I can add charecters in(dress up as different people) What should it be about? Here r some ideas of wut it could be about

The secret life of Annabell
Annabell is secretly the familiar greek god,Athena`s daughter. She gets in so much trouble in the Heavans she is band to the mortal world. She is sent to an all girls Bording School in New Jersey, where shell have to hide her powers.

Tiffiny Blake is a famous tv/movie star. She has to deal with poporatize,people, friends, and her own family ehile managing her job on the set of her TV show The Secret life pf Annabell

Its a GIrl thing

Stuck up Brittney Banks is sent to live in a normal house with normal people. No flat screen tv,credit card, or maid servise. She is sent to an all girls school. NO BOYS! Can she make it through the year?

Tell me which one or if you have a better one post it
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