TSR and threads full of fail and generalisations...


May 19, 2008
...I'm sure I'm not not the only one to notice the ammount of fail traffic that happens on ihav from not thought out threads, for instance, the most recent one:
"do athiests lie more than religious people"
Amongst other one liners that always have "discuss" just after them as if that will make the question magically more specific, well thought out, or attract better answers.

My question is, why does ihav attract threads of fail like that?
Is it how general the forums are, how open they are?
For instance some forums are based on gaming, others music, others a religion, ihav is just a random mix.

Or is it something else? Is it the age of the posters in general (many not having the ability to critically think)?

Yes, I do see the irony in what I just said.
Some threads are bound to be like that :dontknow:

People are different and they post various types of thread. Simple. Just don't read them?
ihav is an open community where people are free to discuss what they like, regardless of how ridiculous it may or may not be to other people. They can also reply as they like, regardless of whether or not it makes sense, as long as it is in compliance with the site rules. It is an internet democracy, if you like.

I am therefore going to make the most of my freedom of speechiness by declaring this thread to be full of fail :awesome:
:woo: Sig man is back

I don't like your music either btw :rant:

To OP: We're allowed to do whatever we want here, we have mods to tell us what we can and can't do within reason. We really, really don't need people to tell us we're not allowed to speak in a certain way (e.g. text speak) or say certain words (like **** ...:woo: look at all the stars :D)..No seriously though, go away :grin:
common sense:confused:

And to the person who called me fat, *you're
Furthermore, I am not fat! how dare yee, I shall stop eating and lose weight just to proove you wrong!11!!11!!!1111!1!!!:awesome: