Try to the breeds quiz?!?


New member
Dec 21, 2010
(This is a quiz, not a question. Please do not comment if you disagree with this post).

Please do not look at the websites, as they say the breeds of the dogs.
*Try to GUESS the breeds quiz.
Umm, no virus? I looked the breeds up on Google Images.
Sorry about the virus link! I don't think it will infect your computer if you are looking at the picture. I didn't know about it. And the one in the middle is not a mutt, actually! No real point to this.
Actually no they do not, the websites do but I asked for you not to look at the websites since they say. No. 2 is not a mongrel, it's a recognized breed.
1: Caucasian Ovcharka
2: Mi-Ki (not a mix, they are not AKC recognized but many organizations and books claim them a breed)
3: Black GSD.
I'm really bad at this, but I want to let you know that the second website doesn't have a virus. The people who said that need to run a virus scan on your computer; you probably already have a damaging virus.

You're welcome . :)
I didn't look.... and the first one is surprisingly hard... lol.
1. Norwegian... Mastiff? Musterlander? Maybe? oh my I can't believe I don't know this. :O
2. Has "butterfly" ears so Papillon.
3. Black German Shepherd... my friend is a fanatic. She has had white ones, but I love the blacks. :)
1. Caucasian Ovcharka
2. A mutt - which also has a virus on the website!!
3. GSD

ADD: when you open the second link, my antivirus program detected a virus... You may want to pick another link to a different breed. A "Miki" is not a breed.

ADD2: Actually it is a mutt - the website even says that this is "an intentionally bred mixed breed". See for yourself. Taken straight from the website:
"They are an intentionally-bred mixed breed dog. They are not a breed and hence, lack a breed standard."
I didn't look.... and the first one is surprisingly hard... lol.
1. Norwegian... Mastiff? Musterlander? Maybe? oh my I can't believe I don't know this. :O
2. Has "butterfly" ears so Papillon.
3. Black German Shepherd... my friend is a fanatic. She has had white ones, but I love the blacks. :)
I received a warning for the second link as well. Also, when you click on all the photos, each one tells you what the breed is. lol.