Travel: Where in EUROPE can I attend Medieval Banquets? (Spain etc)?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
NOT looking for UK as I want a holiday abroad, but only to Europe (Spain etc), not USA etc or far afield as I only have a week :(
Sorry, I don't want Ireland or Wales either! lolol. I want the sun! Please only Europe :) Sorry I should have mentioned.
Bugger off, Nick! The holiday is for SUMMER and I think it's San Miguel (Spain) they do Medieval Banquets ALL YEAR round! Obviously you've never attended any such functions!
Bunratty Castle near Limerick in Ireland does such a banquet. And there's another castle in County Clare that does one, only I can't remember the name of it.
Well it's not in the Uk and it is in Europe...
Ireland! Go to Bunratty castle!